A Double Portion

Yesterday I celebrated my placement day, the day I was adopted. It was a busy but delightful day that ended at my favorite restaurant, Over the Moon Cafe, to celebrate. If you haven’t been there you must give it a try.

I was blessed as I sat with my beau and we talked about the faithfulness and sovereignty of Jesus in our lives. It hasn’t been easy but worth it. For the past year and a half we have been pursuing our precious Jericho. With countless bumps along the way we have held on to hope for dear life. As our adoption is nearly final we are once again reminded that this victory is not ours but belongs to the King. About a month ago Derek and I received a call from our contact in Kampala. We weren’t sure if she was calling with good news or bad news. What she had to say was definitely not what we would have expected. While on the phone she explained that she can’t picture us taking home just one but two. Yep… two children. My jaw dropped and I was reminded how at the beginning of this process Derek was dreaming of two but fear stood in my way. It was clear who is charge of this process and He was calling the shots. I may not feel equipped but He is. With a few days of prayer and fasting we knew we would bring home two. So for the past month we’ve amended paperwork to reflect our desire to be a mommy and daddy to not one, but two orphaned children waiting for families.

All the while we’ve been pursuing Jericho there was another little one who stole our hearts. We had said that after Jericho, if no one was pursuing him, we certainly would. What we failed to realize is that if you meet a child in Uganda you are unable to adopt him or her. You cannot meet the child before pursuing them. With that knowledge there was no question. We would go after him and bring them both home as brothers.

The passage we’ve held tightly to is Joshua 6:2 “But The Lord said to Joshua, I have given you Jericho, it’s king, and its strong warriors.”

We had no idea, through the ups and downs of this process, he was preparing us for a double portion, for Jericho and his King. In not to long we’ll travel to Uganda to bring home Jericho Lincoln and Lucius King.


For my sons and I, who were born with no biological father or mother committed to shepherd them for life, I stand in awe of Father God who is the Redeemer of us all.

9 thoughts on “A Double Portion

  1. God bless you two and those two precious boys!! I can’t wait to meet them! You and Derek are such an inspiration… keeping you in our prayers!

  2. This is so beautiful! Our story is similar but different. We took in our niece and found out 10 days later I was pregnant. My babies are 9 months apart and are now 1 & 2. I shook my head in disbelief wondering how we would do it. But God is so faithful and we are so blessed!

  3. Oh Jesus. You are more faithful than we ever dream. “The Weight of the Wait” is on Him. And we wonder why things take so long. Oh my oh my. Your lives are a continual story. We are blessed to be part of it.

  4. Congratulations Derek and Tiffany! You will be awesome parents. Get ready for the ride of your life. And remember God will be right there with you for the entire ride. Smiling.

    Ann Stout

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